The Korean Journal of Mycology (한국균학회지)
- Volume 20 Issue 3
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- Pages.222-228
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- 1992
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- 0253-651X(pISSN)
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- 2383-5249(eISSN)
Characteristics of Transformants in Pleurotus florida
사철느타리버섯 형질전환주(形質轉換珠)의 특성(特性)
Byun, Myung-Ok
(Applied Mycology and Mushroom Division, Agricultural Sciences Institute R. D. A.) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Soo (Applied Mycology and Mushroom Division, Agricultural Sciences Institute R. D. A.) ;
- Cha, Dong-Yeol (Applied Mycology and Mushroom Division, Agricultural Sciences Institute R. D. A.)
- Published : 1992.09.30
Pleurotus florida was transformed by complementation of auxotrophic mutant using chimeric plasmid containing Flammulina velutipes leu 2 gene and pBR 322 replicon. Mycelial morphology of transformants was grown and compared on mushroom complete and minimal medium. Transformants were mated with monokaryon and their genetic recombination was investigated for the morphology of fruitbody and spore analysis.
사철 느타리버섯 영양요구성(營養要求性) 균주(菌株)를 팽이버섯 leu 2 유전자를 지닌 pM 301 백터를 이용(利用)하여 영양요구성(營養要求性)을 보완(補完) 시킴으로써 형질전환(形質轉換) 하였다. 형질전환균주(形質轉換菌株)의 균사생장(菌絲生長)을 버섯 완전배지(完全培地)나 버섯 최소(最小) 배지(培地)에서 비교(比較)하였다. 형질전환주(形質轉換株)는 1 핵(核) 균사(菌絲)와 교배(交配)후 자실체(子實體) 형태(形態)를 비교(比較)하고 포자 분석(分析)에 의하여 유전분석(分析)을 하였다. 자실체(子實體) 발생(發生)과 자실체(子實體) 모양이 형질전환주(形質轉換株)는 모균주와 다른 특성(特性)이 나타났다. 모균주(母菌株)는 교배형(交配型)이