도시의 인구이동과 지방재정에 관한 연구

An Analysis of Urban Migration and Local Government Finance

  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


While various fiscal measures have been used to influence regional capital inflow or industrial location, the effect of fiscal variables on labor mobility has been little understood. Understanding the relationship between the composition of local public and urban migration would enhance the city govenment's ability to pursue an appropriate population policy. In order to examine the potential for local public finance to be utilized as a policy tool in directing urban population growth, this paper analyzes the impact of local government financial structure on urban migration. In examining the data on local government finance and the changes in population of Korean cities during the last ten years, it was found that cities with high per capita expenditure in regional development have experienced high population growth rates. In this study migration equations were constructed using various fiscal variables such as the proportion of special account expenditures which are mostly spent for local development purposes, per capita regional development expenditure, degree of local financial independence and per capita net fiscal benefit, along with other explanatory variables. The results of regression analysis showed that city government's regional development expenditure variables have a positive effect on urban net migration and a negative effect on outmigration. Fiscal independence and per capita net fiscal benefit had mixed effects on in and out migration variables, implying that local tax burden does not consistently deter inmigration or induce outmigration. Based on the results of this study some important policy implications can be found regarding local government's fiscal policies. Those cities seeking to attract higher population inflow should make a greater effort in appropriating local expenditures for regional development purposes such as infrastructure, housing, and transportation. city governments should not be too concerned about high local tax burden or necessarily seek to enhance financial independence for these factors do not exert a clear influence on urban population growth or labor supply.
