A Study of Azo-Hydrazone Tautomerism in 3-Phenyl-4-arylazo-5-isozaolones by $^H-NMR$ spectra of $^{15}N-labeled$ Compounds and HMO Method

  • Shawali, Ahmad S. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo) ;
  • Salkaabi, harifia S. (Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Qattar) ;
  • Abdallah, Magda A. (Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Qattar)
  • 발행 : 1991.09.01


The tautomerism in 3-phenyl-4-arylazo-5-isoxazolones 1 was examined by $^1H-NMR$ spectra of $^15N-labeled$ compound and by HMO method. Both spectra data $(^1H-NMR\;and\;IR)$ and bonding energies are in support of the assignment of the hydrazone structure to such compounds. It is further shown that intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bondings favor the hydrazone tautomer.
