A Bibliographic investigation in the method of Chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa(淸熱瀉火) on the treatment of Cerebro Vascular Attack (C.V.A.)

중풍치료(中風治法)에 있어서 청열사화법(淸熱瀉火法)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Park, Jung-Yang (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Byun, Il (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Dae-Jeon University)
  • Published : 1991.06.30


On the treatment of C.V.A, I obtain the results through the bibliographic investigation in the method of Chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa as follows ; 1. The method of Chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa on the treatment of CVA. is used for the occation of flaming fire in the heart caused by fire emotions in excess (五志過極), difficiency of Yin, flaming up of excessive in liver and plegm-heat. 2. The representative symptoms which can be used by the method of Chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa are firerishness, redness on face, foul breath, fidgets, angry, high fever, constipation slimy and greasy yellow coat of the tongue, and the pulse shaped on full-rapid (洪數), tautsmaooth and rapid (弦滑血數). 3. The general prescription on the method of Chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa are Bang pung tong sung-San, Yangkyuk-San, Backho-Tang, Sosiho-Tang, Samhwa-Tang, Chibo-Tan and Woohwang chongsim-Hwan on excessive symptom-complex, Yookmichihwang-Tang-Kakam, Samool-Tang-Kakam and Youngyangkak-Tang on insufficency symptom complex. 4. The most frequently dosed medicinal plants are Seok-ko, Chi-mo, Dae-Hwang, Mang-cho, Hwang-kewm, Hwang-back, Chi-ja, Si-ho, Han-Su-Seok, Yong-Tam-Cho, Mok-Tan-Pi and Saeng-Chi-Hwang. 5. The method of chong-Yol-Sa-Hwa might be expressed good medicinal effects adopted on the symptoms or flaming evil fire (火旺) after awakend and ‘Yang’ occlusion of Chung-Chang-Pu (中臟脈) which is accompanied with the method of purgation, break through the plegm, resuscitate and nourishing the Yin.



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