Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy (생약학회지)
- Volume 22 Issue 2
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- Pages.124-127
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- 1991
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- 0253-3073(pISSN)
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- 2288-9299(eISSN)
Examination of the Chemical Tests for Herbal Medicines Listed in the Official Drug Compendia(Pharmacopoeia and Natural Drug Standards) of Korea
한(韓) 중(中) 일(日)의 공정서(公定書)(약전(藥典) 및 규격집(規格集))에 수재(收載)된 전통천연약물(傳統天然藥物)의 품질(品質)에 관한 조사(調査)(II) -대한약전(大韓藥典) 및 대한약전외(大韓藥典外) 한약(韓藥)(생약)(生藥) 규격집(規格集)의 확인시험법(確認試驗法)에 대한 검토(檢討)-
- Park, Sang-Hi (College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Youm, Jeong-Rok (College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Chang, Il-Moo (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1991.06.30
In the preceding paper, it was reported that total 63 traditional Korean herbal medicines listed in the Korean Pharmacopoeia and Korean Natural Drug Standards were found to be different plants in terms of systematic botany when those were compared with other two countries' drug compendia, Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Japanese Pharmacopoeia and Japanese Natural Drug Standards. Among 63 traditional Korean herbal drugs, 28 items were subject to the chemical identification test by using official methods that are described in the Korean Pharmacopoeia and the Korean Natural Drug Standards. In addition, 5 items were also tested by using the official methods described in Chinese and Japanese drug compendia, since there are no official chemical tests available in the Korean drug compendia. It was found that most of chemical tests appeared to be suitable. It was noted that the chemical test for Atractylodis Rhizoma(蒼朮) was incorrect and unapplicable. Those chemical tests for Clematidis Radix(威靈仙), Rubi Fructus(覆盆子) and Viticis Fructus(蔓荊子) are desirable to be revised for more accurate identification.