검사오차가 있는 불완전 수리에서의 비용한계 교체 정책

Cost Limit Replacement Policy under Imperfect Repair with Inspection Error

  • Yun, Won-Young (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 1990.12.31


A replacement policy with repair cost limit is discussed. When a system fails, the repair cost is estimated by inspection and repair is then undertaken if the estimated cost is less than a predetermined limit L ; otherwise the system is replaced. After repair, the system is as good as new with probability(l-p) or is minimally repaired with probability p. It is assumed that repair cost can not be estimated exactly because of inspection error. When the failure time follows a Weibull distribution and repair cost a normal distribution, the value of repair cost limit minimizing the expected cost rate is shown to be finite and unique.
