부산 통신구굴진 발파작업으로 인한 지상주택 구조물에 미치는 진동폭음영향계측조사보고

On the study of the measurement of blasting Vibration and Sound influenced to housing structure at Wire-Tunnelling

  • 발행 : 1990.06.01


The Caustious blasting have often increased Complaints of ground Vibration and Sound when the Wire-Tunnel Constructed in Pusan. In order to prevent the influence to housing structure, it was necessary to predict blasting-Induced Vibration and Sound. The Suveyer determined the Burden and spacing of Drill holes, minimum delay charges within a allowable Vibration and Sound Level. Tunnel drilling and Ignition patterns are made as follows; No. 1 Tunel (Stable rock, hard rock) No.2 Tunnel (Instable plastic rock; wethered rock) and other Tunnels (Instable rock). The result of 1st testing blasting of No. 1 Tunnel was recorded Under allowable Vibration Level but sound was over 75 Db of allowable value. So Tunnel drilling pattern was amended with 52 Non-charg holes to reduce the blast-sound. The other pattern had no need to amend.
