Effects of Sam so on Pye Tang Water Extract on the plasma cortisol Concentration and Plasma $CO_2$ in the rabbit

삼소온폐탕(蔘蘇溫肺湯) 전탕액(煎湯液)이 가토(家兎) 혈장(血漿) Cortisol 농도(濃度) 및 혈장(血漿) $CO_2$에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Sin, Jo-Yeong (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University) ;
  • Han, Sang-Whan (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University) ;
  • Lee, Byung-Soon (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University)
  • Published : 1990.12.31


To evaluate effects of Sam so on Pye Tang(SSOPT) Water Extract plasma cortisol concentration and plasma $CO_2$ in the Rabbit. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Intravenous administration of SSOPT water extract at the dose of 0.5ml/kg remarkably increased plasma cortisol concentration on 1 hour. 2. Intravenous adminitration of SSOPT Water extract at the does of 1.0ml/kg significantly decreased plasma $CO_2$ on 1 hour. 3. Intravenous adminitration of SSOPT Water extract at the does of 0.5ml/kg remarkable decreased plasma $Na^+$ from 1 to 4 hour and 1.0ml/kg significantly decreased plasma $Na^+$ on 1 hour. 4. Intravenous administration of SSOPT Water extract at the does of 1.0ml/kg remarkably increased plasma $k^+$ from 1 to 3 hour. 5. Intravenous administration of SSOPT water extract at the does of 0.5ml/kg significantly decreased plasma $CI^-$ on 3, 4 hours. and 1.0ml/kg remarkably increased plasma $CI^-$ on 4 hour. These results suggest that therapeutic action of SSOPT water extract for athma may be reated with the increment of plasma cortisol concentration and the decrease plsma $CO_2.$.



  1. 醫學發明 李昊
  2. 普濟方 朱肅
  3. 東醫寶鑑 v.5 雜病編 許浚
  4. 林圓經濟誌 徐有거
  5. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  6. 醫鑑柵定要訣 v.21 李以斗
  7. 濟衆新編 v.18 康明吉
  8. 春鑑錄 v.27 李永春
  9. 東醫臨床要覽 金定濟;金腎濟(編)
  10. 韓方秘錄 李璟模
  11. 東醫肺系內科學 李珩九
  12. 圓光韓醫大 10期(編)
  13. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  14. 病態生理學 조윤성(外 15人)
  15. 生理學 金正鎭
  16. 生理學 남기용
  17. 呼吸氣科 서울大學校醫科大學
  18. 病證診治 申天浩(編譯)
  19. 瓜蔞枳實湯 및 瓜蔞枳實湯加鹿茸, 煎湯液의 血漿 Cortisol 濃度에 미치는 影響 盧石善
  20. 神秘湯 煎湯液이 家兎의 腎贓機能血壓 및 血漿 Cortisol濃度에 미치는 影響 鄭在雨
  21. 潤肺割痰寧嗽湯 및 潤肺轄痰寧嗽場 합 三子養親湯 煎湯液이 家兎血漿 Cortisol 濃度에 미치는 影響 韓大拮
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  24. 淸上補下湯 煎湯液이 家兎血漿 Cortisol 動脈血 $PO_2$, $PO_2$에 미치는 影響 權宅炫
  25. 具母散 煎湯이 家兎의 血漿 Cortisol濃度 및 動脈血 $PCO_2$, $PO_2$에 미치는 影響 崔善燁
  26. 韓藥臨床應用 李常仁
  27. 申氏本草學(각론) 申拮求
  28. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  29. J. Allergy v.21 The effect of cortisol on bronchiain asma and hay fever occuring in subjects sensitive to ranweed pollen Carryer, H.M.;Koelsche, G.A.;Prickman, I.E.;Maytum, C.K.;Lake, C.F.;Williams, H.L.
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