존 웰즈 교수의 초청 강연 초록

  • Published : 1989.09.01


It is an honour to be speaking on phonetics at the invitation of the Phonetic Society of Korea. Through the Korean Hangout script, invented in the fifteenth century at the instigation of the great King Sejong, and the work Hunminjeongeum which describes it, this country has an important place in the world history of phonetics. Phonetics is the description and analysis of pronunciation. Spoken language can be investigated at three points: in the speaker (articulatory phonetics), in the hearer (auditory phonetics), and in the physical speech signal (acoustic phonetics)... Beginners in English who are Korean mother tongue have to learn to make the sound 'f' as in "coffee", which is a voiceless labio-dental fricative, lip on upper teeth. They also have to learn to make [\theta]sound in "think", a voiceless dental fricative.

다음은 창립 10주년을 맞은 대한음성학회의 초청으로 내한한 런던대학의 음성학. 언어학과 교수인 존 웰스 교수가 1987년 9월 22일에 한글학회 강당에서 열린 창립 기념식장에서 "현대 세계의 음성학"이라는 제목으로 행한 특별강연의 초록이다. 전반부는 생략하고 후반부만을 원문과 우리말로 옮겨 싣는다.
