살비제교호도태에 의한 점박이응애의 저항성발달에 관한 연구

Resistant Development of Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae (Tetranychidae) under Alternate Selection of Acaricides

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch)의 感受性系統에 대하여 有機燐系 殺婢劑인 ethion, 有機濾素系인 dicofol과 有機朱錫系인 cyhexatin 및 合成pyrethroid系인 biphenthrin 등으로 交互累代潔凉를 實施하여 각 殺婢劑의 抵抗性發遠 差異와 複合抵抗性의 有努 및 程度를 試驗.調宜하었다. Ethion/dicofol(13-13世代) 洵流系統은 ethion에 대하여 49.4浩, dice$\ulcorner$o떼 대하여 18.1倍의 抵抗營,이, othiohjcyhexatin(9-9世代) 洵淪系統은 ethion에 대해서 28.1倍, cyhexatin에 대해서 5借의 抵抗性이, ethionjbiphenthrin(10-10世代) 海治系統은 ethion에 대하여 39,8倍, thrin 에 대하여 19.2倍의 抵抗性이, ficofoljcyhexatin(9-9世代) 海流系統은 dicofo떼 대해서 11.3倍,cyhexatin에 대해서 4.9倍의 抵抗性이, ficofoljbiphenthrin(12-12世代) 海流系統은 dice$\ulcorner$of 에 대하여 11.2借, biphenthrin에 대하여 9.4倍의 氣抗性이, oyhexatinjbiphenthrin(9-9代代) 海流系統은 cyhexatin에 대하여 3.7倍, biphenthrin에 대해서 7.7倍의 抵抗性이 發達하여 海流親婢劑의 組合에 따라 抵抗性發連 水準의 差異가 있었다. Ethion/dicofol 抵抗性系統은 洵流에 駱與하지 않은 biphenthrin에 대하여 率度의 複合抵抗性을 나타내었고, jcyhexatin, ethionjbiphenthrin 抵枕性系統들은 각각 biphenthrin과 dicofe떼 대해서 비교적 낮은 水準의 複음抵抗性을 보펄으며, Oicofaljcyhexatin, Oicofoljbiphenthr운 그리고 cyh訓stinjbiphenthrin 海社系統들은 모두 ethion에 대하여 각각 高虜의 複合抵抗性을 나타내었다.

These studies were conducted to investigate the development of chemical resistance in two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) through alternate selection for a given period of time with four acaricides including ethion of organophophours compound, dicofol of organo-chlorine compound, cyhexatin of organo-tin compound, and biphenthrin of synthetic pyrethroid compound; and to examine multiple-resistance among the acaricides to the selected populations. The development levels of chemical resistance in the two-spotted spider mite were greatly varied under alternate selection with the different chemical-group combination of four acaricides. Resistant levels of the ethion/dicofol-selected population at 13th-13th generation showed 49.4-fold resistance to ethion and 18.1-fold to dicofol; the ethion/cyhexatin-selected population at 9th-9th generation exhibited 28.1-fold to ethion and 5-fold to cyhexatin; the ethion/biphenthrin-selectd population at 10th-10th generation revealed 39.8-fold to ethion and 19.2-fold to biphenthrin. However, the dicofol/cyhexatin-selected population at 9th-9th generation showed 11.3-fold to dicofol and 4.9-fold to cyhexatin, and the dicofol/biphenthrin-selected population at 12th-12th generation exhibited 11.2-fold to dicofol and 9.4- fold to biphenthrin, while the cyhexatin/biphenthrin-selected population at 9th-9th generation revealed 3.7-fold to cyhexatin and 7.7-fold to biphenthrin. In case of alternate selection, the ehtion/dicofol-selected population revealed moderate multiple-resistance level to biphenthrin. The ethion/cyhexatin-selected and the ethion/biphenthrin-selected populations showed low mutiple-resistance level to biphenthrin and dicofol, respectively. However, the dicofol/cyhexatin-selected, the dicofol/biphenthrin-selected and the cyhexatin/biphenthrin-selected populations exhibited high multiple-resistance level to ethion.
