The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지)
- Volume 13 Issue 6
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- Pages.510-520
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- 1988
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
Synthesis of the State-space Digital Filter with Minimum Statistical Cofficient Sensitivity
최소총계적계수 감도를 갖는 상태공간 디지틀 필터의 합성
In this paper, the output error variance due to the differential vcariation of the state-space coefficient [ABCD], which is the coefficient quentization error, is normalized on the variance for cases that infinite wordlength state-space digital filter is realized by the finite one. That is, defining S as the statistical sensitivity and extending controllability gramian, observability gramian, and 2nd order mode analysis method to the state space digital filter, we synthesize the realization structure with the minimum statistical sensitivity and prove the effecency of the minimum statistical sensitivity structure synthesis by the simulation.
無限誤長 상태 공간 디지틀 필터를 有限誤長 상태 공간 디지틀 필터로 실현할 때 量子化 誤差인 상태 공간 계수〔ABCD〕의 미소 변동에 기인한, 출력 오차 分散을