한국식품과학회지 (Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology)
- 제19권1호
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- Pages.69-74
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- 1987
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
경(硬), 연질(軟質) 소맥(小麥)의 성숙(成熟)에 따른 탄수화물(炭水化物) 특성의 변화(變化)
Changes in Carbohydrate Components of Hard and Soft Wheat during Kernel Maturation
- Chang, Hak-Gil (Rural Nutrition Institute, Rural Development Administration) ;
Kyung, Kyu-Hang
(Department of Food Science, King Sejong University) ;
Kim, Sung-Kon
(Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University)
- 발행 : 1987.02.01
본(本) 연구(硏究)는 경(硬), 연질(軟質) 소맥(小麥)의 성숙과정(成熟過程)에 따른 탄수화물(炭水化物) 특성(特性)의 변화(變化)에 대하여 검토하였다. 종실(種實)의 수분함량(水分含量)이 감소(減少)함에 따라 천립중(千粒重)과 용적중(容積重)은 증가(增加)되었다. 배유(胚乳)의 전분함량(澱粉含量)은 출적후(出積後)
These studies were conducted to investigate the changes in carbohydrate properties of the endosperm during the stages of maturity. Original moisture continued to decrease while 1,000-kernel weight and test weight increased steadily in all varieties with maturation. Starch content of the endosperm increased continuously by 35 to 40 days after heading. The B-type starch granules synthesis of the the early mature variety, Chokwang, was depressed at the later stages of development. Amylose and amylopectin components of starch both increased as the kernel matured, and amylose-amylopectin ratio also increased during the same period. Amount of pentosan per kernel basis increased throughout the maturation period. Amylograph break-down had a highly negative coefficient correlation with starch and pentosan content of endosperm. Results indicated that wheat maturation was characterized by an increase in the starch and pentosan content of the kernel.