Some Problems on the Concept of Mineral Paragenesis and Macrostructures of Ore Veins, with special reference to those of Ore Veins at the Ohtani Mine, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

광물공생(鑛物共生)의 개념(槪念)에 대(對)한 문제점(問題點)과 광맥광상(鑛脈鑛床)의 macrostructure -특(特)히 일본(日本) 대고광산(大谷鑛山)의 광맥광상(鑛脈鑛床)에 대(對)한 macrostructure-

  • Published : 1986.10.31


Concepts on mineral association, mineral paragenesis, and mineralization stage relating to macrostructures of vein filling in ore veins are briefly discussed. As an example of plutonic ore vein, macrostructures of vein filling of plutonic tungsten-tin-copper vein at the Ohtani mine, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, one of representatives of plutonic tungsten-tin vein related genetically to acidic magmatism of late Cretaceous in the Inner zone of Southwest Japan, are examined. Based on macrostructures of vein filling, three major mineralization stages, are distinguished by major tectonic breaks. Sequence of mineralization, characteristic features of each mineralization stage, and variations of filling temperature and salinity ranges of fluid inclusions in minerals from stage I to stage III are summarized.
