황연(黃連) 및 건강(乾薑)이 위액분비(胃液分泌).장관운동(腸管運動) 심장박동(心臟搏動)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study of Effects on Secretion of Gastric Juice, Movement of Intestine and Pulse Rate with Coptidis Rhizoma and Zingiberis Rhizoma


As a result of administration of Coptidis Rhizoma extract and Zingiberis Rhizoma extract to Rat and Rabbit, its effect to the Gastric Juice Volume, Acidity, Pepsin out put of Rat and the movement of Intestine, Pulse Rate of Rabbit was as follows; 1. In the secretion of Gastric Juice, the Juice Volume in Coptidis Rhizoma administered group in contrast to Control Group, has increased in 30mg the increasing rate 21.4%, and has decreased in 300mg the decreasing rate 113.9%. But the Juice Volume in Zingiberis Rhizoma administered group has all decreased in 12, 30, 60, 120mg, and has remarkably decreased in 60mg the decreasing rate 62.9%. 2. The Gastric Acidity in Coptidis Rhizome administered group, in contrast to Control Group, has increased in 30, and 75mg, but no significant value, and has decreased in 300mg the decreasing rate 104.7%. But the Gastric Acidity in Zingiberis Rhizoma administered group has all decreased in 12, 30, 60 120mg, and has remarkably decreased in 60mg the decreasing rate 105.6%. 3. The Pepsin out-put in Coptids Rhizoma administered group, in contrast to Control group, has increased in 30mg the increasing rate 30.3%, and has decreased in 150, 300mg, no significant value. But the Pepsin out-put in Zingiberis Rhizoma administered group has all decreased in 12, 30, 60, 120mg, and has remarkably decreased in 60mg the decreasing rate 86.4%. 4. In the movement of Intestine, the contraction Coptidis Rhizoma administered group, in contrast before the administration, has increased in 12mg, but has begun to decrease in 30mg, and has remarkably decreased in 70mg. The contraction in Zingiberis Rhizoma administered group, in contrast before the administration, has all increased in 30, 60, 120mg. 5. In Pulse Rate, the pulsation, in contrast to Control group after 60, 120 180, 240min. has decreased in Coptidis Rhizoma administered group, and has increased in Zingiberis Rhizoma administered group, but no significant value.



  1. 生化學 姜斗熙
  2. 濟衆新編 康命吉
  3. 藥品植物學各論 金一赫
  4. 漢方臨床四十年 朴炳昆
  5. 脾系內科 柳基遠
  6. 內科學 李文鎬(外)
  7. 本草學 李常仁
  8. 新增醫門寶鑑 周命新
  9. Experimental Pharmacology 韓大燮
  10. Laboratory manual of pharmacology 韓大燮
  11. 束醫寶檻 許俊
  12. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植
  13. 方樂合編 黃道淵
  14. 黃連,黃芩,黃栢이 白鼠의 Castrin 및 Uropepsin分泌에 미치는 影響 金炳佑
  15. 蒼連湯이 白鼠의 胃潰瘍에 미치는 影響 金弘起
  16. 平胃散 投與가 家兎의 胃液中 Hcl 및 Pepsin에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 柳逢夏
  17. 中藥大辭典 江蘇新醫學院
  18. 壽世保元 공延賢
  19. 中草藥學 上海中醫學院
  20. 巢氏諸病源候論 v.二十一 巢元方
  21. 中國藥物學 時逸人
  22. 經史證類大觀本草 愼微
  23. 木草從新 吳儀洛
  24. 神農本草經 v.一;二 吳普
  25. 神農本草經 v.一;二 吳普
  26. 外臺秘要 v.上 王燾
  27. 醫方集鮮 汪인庵
  28. 增補本草備要 汪昻
  29. 東垣十書 李果
  30. 現代中藥學 李樹猷
  31. 本草網目 李時珍
  32. 醫學入門 李延
  33. 景岳全書 張介賓
  34. 仁術便覽 張浩
  35. 漢藥의 臨床應用 中山醫學院
  36. 實驗動物 取扱 및 實驗手技 奧大實
  37. 新訂和漢藥 赤松金芳
  38. 和漢生藥 刈米達夫
  39. Textbook of Medicine Beeson, Paul B.;Mcdermott, Walsh
  40. Control of Gastrointestinal Function Brooks, Frank P.
  41. Review of Medical Physiology Ganong, W.F.
  42. Textbook of Medical Physiology Guyton, A.C.
  43. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Isselbacher, Kurt J.