주의력 배분능력 분석을 통한 조종사 선발방법에 관한 연구

A Pilot Selection Method using Divided Attention Test

  • 발행 : 1984.12.31


This study develops a scientific method in pilot selection by analysing a divided attention performance between the successful pilots and the failures in a flight training course. To measure the divided attention performance, Dual Task Method is used in which the primary task is a tracking task while the secondary tasks are, 1. short term memory task, 2. choice reaction task and 3. judgement task. Result shows that the performance of the pilots is significantly better (P < 0.1) than that of the failures in dual performance. In addition, the differences in the divided attention performance between the two groups are increased in proportion to the difficulty of the task and especially in the Short Term Memory, the increment is most dramatic.
