A Case Study on the Effectiveness of the Cooperative Management by Leading of Forest Owners and Its Extension System - A demonstrational cooperative management in the private forest guided by the Korean German Forest Management Project -

산주주도형(山主主導型) 협업경영사업(協業經營事業)과 그 지도체계(指導體系)의 효과(效果)에 대한 사례연구(事例硏究) -한독기구(韓獨機構) 사유림협업경영(私有林協業經營) 시범사업(示範事業)을 중심(中心)으로-

  • Kim, Jong Kwan (Training and Extension Service Center, National Federation of Forest Association)
  • 김종관 (산림조합중앙회 시범협업경영지도소)
  • Received : 1984.08.17
  • Published : 1984.12.31


The Yangsan Forest Management Station (YFMS) of Korean German Forest Management Project (KGFMP), working with the 6 legal villages of Uljugun, Kyongnam, led the forest owners in the area to organize the Forest Management Cooperative (FMC) voluntairily for improvement of private forest management and fostered it as a model from May 1975 to Apr. 1984. YFMS sent out FMC a forest manager as a forestry expert carrying out the leading extension program at the equal position with forest owners and gave FMC financial, administrative and technical assitances. During the 6 years from 1977 to 1982, 4 FMC were founded and are being operated democratically. 228 forest owners have taken the membership of their own free will and the forestland of the members covers 2,567 ha equivalent to 57% of the total private forest in the area. During the period the total area of the planting and tending is 4,185 ha, this means that a member executed 3.1 ha of forest operations per year in average, showing the high willingness on forest operations. In addition the joint works have resulted in the joint properties equivalent to 27 million Won and it will be an important foundation for operation of FMC which is a forest owners's cooperative organization for improvement of private forest management in this area. The total expenditure spent for the fostering of FMC amounted to 497,587 thousand Won and 58% of them were charged from KGFMP funds, 27% from the forest owners and 15% from public funds. The expenditure for investment was 273,104 thousand Won and 59% of the sum were appropriated as subsidies at the national level. The forest owners charged 43% of that and this means that each member invested approximately 100 thousand Won to his forestland per year in average. For the extension program 169,503 thousand Won were spent and it can be explained that 5,885 Won were spent per ha a year. The organization of FMC operated autonomously in a democratic way and the horizontal and leading extension system, which aspects the human rights, were very much effective in fostering the cooperative organization of forest owners for improvement of private forest management.

한독기구(韓獨機構) 양산사업소(梁山事業所)는 197년(年) 5월(月)부터 1984년(年) 4월(月)까지 경남(慶南) 울주군내(蔚州郡內)내 6개(個) 법정군락(法定部落)을 대상(對象)으로 사유림(私有林) 경영개선(經營改善)을 위한 산림경영협업체(山林經營協業体)(FMC)를 자발적(自發的)으로 조직(組織)토록 유도(誘導)하고 시범적(示範的)으로 육성(育成)하였다. 양산사업소(梁山事業所)는 전문임업기술자(專門林業技術者)인 산림경영담당자(山林經營擔當者)(Forest Manager)를 협업체(協業体)에 파견(派遣)하여 산주(山主)와 대등(對等)한 입장(立場)에서 선도적(先導的) 지도사업(指導事業)을 실시(實施)케하여 기술적(技術的), 행정적(行政的), 재정적(財政的)으로 협업체(協業体)를 지원(支援)하였다. 1977년(年)부터 1982년(年)까지 6년(年)동안에 4개(個)의 산림경영협업체(山林經營協業体)가 조성(造成)되어 민주적(民主的)으로 운영(運營)되고 있으며 228명(名)의 산주(山主)가 자유의사(自由意思)에 따라 회원(會員)으로 가입(加入)하였고 회원(會員)들이 소유(所有)한 산림면적(山林面積)은 2,567ha로서 전(全) 사유림(私有林) 면적(面積)의 57%에 해당(該當)한다. 기간(期間)동안에 실시(實施)된 조림(造林) 및 육림작업(育林作業) 누계(累計)는 4,185ha로서 회원(會員) 1인당(人當) 연평균(年平均) 3.1ha의 시업(施業)을 실시(實施)한 편이므로 높은 시업의욕(施業意慾)을 보였다. 뿐만 아니라 공동사업(共同事業)의 결과(結果)로 27백만(百萬)원에 상당(相當)하는 공동자산(共同資産)이 마련되었으며 이는 앞으로 지역내(地域內) 사유림(私有林) 경영개선(經營改善)을 위한 산주(山主) 협업조직(協業組織)인 산림경영협업체(山林經營協業体)의 중요(重要)한 운영기반(運營基盤)이 될 것이다. 협업체(協業体) 육성(育成)에 사용(使用)된 총(總) 자금(資金)은 497,587천(千)원이었으며 그 재원(財源)은 한독기구자금(韓獨機構資金)(KGFMP funds) 58%, 산주부담(山主負擔) 27%, 공동자금(公共資金) 15%이다. 시설비(施設費)는 273,104천(千)원이며 이중 국가적(國家的) 차원(次元)에서 지수금(支授金)은 59%이며 산주부담금(山主負擔金)은 43%로 각(各) 회원(會員)은 연평균(年平均) 약(約) 10만(萬)원을 자기소유(自己所有)의 산림(山林)에 투자(投資)하였다. 지도사업비(指導事業費)는 169,503천(千)원으로 연간(年間)/ha당(當) 5,885원이 투입(投入)된 편이다. 人權(인권) 존중(尊重)하는 수평적(水平的) 선도적(先導的) 지도체계(指導体系)와 민주적(民主的) 방식(方式)에 의하여 자주적(自主的)으로 운영(運營)되는 산림경영협업체(山林經營協業体) 조직(組織)이 동(同) 지역내(地城內)에서 사유림(私有林) 경영개선(經營改善)을 위한 산주(山主) 협업조직육성(協業組熾育成)에 상당히 큰 효과(效果)가 있었다.
