Studies on the Variation of Native Tea Plants in Korea

한국(韓國) 야생다(野生茶)의 유연성(類緣性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Received : 1984.09.18
  • Published : 1984.12.30


In order to compare the variation of Korean native Yea plants, the botanical specimens of the two introduced varieties and the wild varieties collected from 49 places were made. The leaf and flower types from them were investigated. 1) About 78% of the wild tea plants were existed in bamboo thicket or in forest, and 95% were grown in the southward inclined place. 2) The wild tea plants were distributed in the region from $34^{\circ}27^{\prime}$ north to $35^{\circ}43^{\prime}$ north of latitude, but most of them were grown in the region of 35 degree north of latitude. 3) The leaf types of wild tea plants were elliptical and oblong, but onr oval type of leaf was found in the Mand$\ddot{o}$ksa, Kangjin. 4) The Leaf sizes of wild tea plants were $14.74{\pm}0.57{\times}5.72{\pm}0.24cm$ in the large leaf and $12.16{\pm}1.57{\times}3.53{\pm}0.41cm$ in the small leaf. 5) There were two leaf types that one is acuminate, coriaceous, reticulate, dark green, and the other is obtuse, chartaceous, rugose, deep green. 6) There were not much difference between varieties in the flower types, only except the trait of Yongjang. 7) Among the wild tea plants, it was considered that Yongjang-type variety would he a variant or hybrid of bohea-variety (chinese-variety) and Waun-type variety would he a variant or hybrid of macrophylla variety and General-type variety would be a degenerated variant of Waun-type or another hybrid.

한국(韓國) 야생다(野生茶)의 유연성(類緣性)을 비교(比較)하기 위(爲)하여 도입품종(導入品種) 2종(種)과 야생다(野生茶) 49개소(個所)를 선정(選定)하여 엽(葉)의 형질(形質)과 화(花)의 형질(形質)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1) 야생다(野生茶)는 78%가 죽림(竹林)이나 수림하(樹林下)에 있었고 95%가 남향(南向)의 경사지(傾斜地)에서 생육(生育)하고 있었다. 2) 야생다(野生茶)의 분포(分布)에 있어서 남단(南端)은 $34^{\circ}27^{\prime}$이며 북단(北端)은 $35^{\circ}43^{\prime}$이나 거의가 $35^{\circ}$ 부근(附近)에 생육(生育)하고 있었다. 3) 엽형(葉形)은 거의가 타원형(楕円形)과 장타원형(長楕円形)이나 만덕사(萬德寺)에는 광타원형(廣楕円形)도 있었다. 4) 잎의 크기에서 대엽(大葉)은 $14.74{\pm}0.57{\times}5.72{\pm}0.24cm$이고 다른 잎은 $12.16{\pm}1.57{\times}3.53{\pm}0.41cm$이었다. 5) 잎은 길고 뾰족하며 농록색(濃綠色)으로 빳빳하고 민들한 것과 둥글며 모나지 않고 녹색(綠色)으로 부드럽고 울퉁불퉁한 2종(種)이 있었다. 6) 화형(花形)은 용장리(龍藏里)의 것에서 여러 형질(形質)이 뚜렷이 다르고 다른 나머지 것들은 뚜렷한 차이(差異)가 없었다. 7) 야생다(野生茶) 가운데 용장리(龍藏里)은 중국종(中國種)(Thea Sinensis L. var. bohea)의 변이종(變異種)이거나 유종(維種)으로 보이고 와운형(臥雲型)은 중국대엽종(中國大葉種)의 변이종(變異種)이거나 유종(維種)으로 보이며 일반형(一般型)은 중국대엽종(中國大葉種)(Thea Sinensis L. var. macrophylla) 변이종(變異種)이거나 유종(維種)으로 생각된다.
