Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy (생약학회지)
- Volume 15 Issue 2
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- Pages.85-90
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- 1984
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- 0253-3073(pISSN)
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- 2288-9299(eISSN)
Biologically Active Components of Duchesnea indicae Herba
사매의 생리(生理) 활성(活性)에 관한 연구(硏究)
- Lee, Ihn-Rhan (College of Pharmacy, Ewha women's University) ;
- Lee, Eun-Bang (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
- Lee, Sun-Hee (College of Pharmacy, Ewha women's University) ;
- Lee, Jee-Young (College of Pharmacy, Ewha women's University)
- Published : 1984.06.30
The whole plant of Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke (Rosaceae) which has been used in folklore in treating amenorrhea, inflammation, fever and traumatic injuries, in detoxifying and breaking up clots, was studied. The pharmacological test showed that the water extract had estrogenic and histaminergic actions, but no antiserotonin action. As a result of systematic separation in order to detect the active compounds revealing the estrogenic effect, the active compounds were found in the ether fraction. TLC of the ether fraction revealed 8 spots. Among them three major spots (Rf=0.54, 037, 0.31) were separated by preparative TLC. Some chemical properties of those major spots suggested that they were phenolic compounds, but that they were neither linoleic acid nor