Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy (생약학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 3
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- Pages.107-112
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- 1983
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- 0253-3073(pISSN)
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- 2288-9299(eISSN)
Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drugs (IVX). -Effect of 'Banhabaikchulchenma-Tang' on the Analgesic and Sedative Actions-
생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효연구(藥效硏究) (제14보)(第14報) -반하백출천마탕(半夏白朮天麻湯)이 진통(鎭痛) 및 진정작용(鎭靜作用)에 미치는 영향(影響)-
- Hong, N.D. (Kyung-Hee Medical Center) ;
- Kim, J.W. (Kyung-Hee Medical Center) ;
- Song, I.B. (Kyung-Hee Medical Center) ;
- Kim, N.J. (Kyung-Hee Medical Center)
- Published : 1983.09.30
Experimental studies were made to evaluate clinical efficacy and validate Oriental medicine description of 'Banhabaikchulchenma-Tang' which has been used for controlling of headache, heartburn and giddiness, etc. The results of these studies were as follows; 1) Suppressive actions were not shown on convulsion due to spine and diencephatic causes. 2) Analgesic action was recognized in mice and rats. 3) Sedative actions due to prolongation of hypnosis time, muscle relaxation and decreasing locomotive function were noted. 4) Relaxing action was noted in the ileum of mice, also antagonistic antispasmodic action was recognized on contraction of the ileum induced by acteylcholine and