Studies on the Chemical Composition of Quercus variabilis and Q. serrata Grown in Mt. Jiri

지리산산(智異山産) 굴참나무재(材)와 졸참나무재(材)의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成)

  • Received : 1982.09.25
  • Published : 1982.12.31


The chemical components in sap and heart wood of Q. variabilis and Q.serrate grown in Mt. Jiri were analyzed Q. variabilis ash contents were 0.57%, in sap wood portion and 1.00% in heart wood. Of the extractives cold water extractives were 5.74% in sap wood and 4.77% in heart wood. Hot water extractives were 6.33% in sap, 6.30% in heart wood portion. 1% caustic soda extractives were 15.52% in sap wood and 15.63% in heart wood. Alcohol-benzol extractives were 4.89% in sap wood and 2.96% in heart wood Holocellulose contents were 73.19% in sap wood, 78.83% in heart wood. Lignin contents were 21.76% in sap wood and 18.14% in heart wood portion. In pentosan contents there were 15.92% in sap wood and 26.50% in heart wood. In Q serrata ash contents were 0.26% in sap wood and 0.27% in heart wood. Cold water extractives were 2.81% in sap wood and 2.04% in heart wood. Hot water extractives were 5.32% in sap wood and 7.08% in heart wood portion. 1%-C austic soda extractives were 15.73% in sap wood and 16.55% in heart wood. Alcohol-benzol extractives were 3.93% in sap wood and 3.51% in heart wood. Holo celluloe contents were 74.21% and 74.84% in sap and heart wood portion respectively. Lignin contents were 14.11% in sap wood and 19.19% in heart wood. Of the pentosan contents there were 20.75% and 21.44% in sap and heart wood respectively. In conclution ash, holocellulose, lignin and pentosan contents showed always consistent differences between sap and heart wood in Q.variabilis, but in Q.serrata only lignin content showed slight difference between sap and heart wood.

지리산산(智異山産) 굴참나무재(材)와 졸참나무재(材)에 대하여 그 화학적(化學的) 조성분(組成分)을 심재(心材), 변재별(邊材別)로 분석(分析) 조사(調査)하여 본 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하연 다음과 같다. 굴참나무재(材)에 있어서는 변재회분함량(邊材灰分含量) 0.57%, 심재(心材) 1.00%였고 냉수추출물(冷水抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 5.74%, 심재(心材) 4.77%였으며 열수추출물(熱水抽出物)에 있어서는 변재(邊材) 6.33%, 심재(心材) 6.33%였고 하성(荷性)soda 추출물(抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 15.52%, 심재(心材) 15.63%였다. Alcohol-benzol 추출물(抽出物)은 변재부(邊材部) 4.89%, 심재부(心材部) 2.96%였고 Holocellulose 함량(含量)에 있어서는 변재(邊材) 73.19%, 심재(心材) 78.83%였고 Lignin은 변재(邊材) 21.76%, 심재(心材) 18.14%였고 Pentosan 함량(含量)은 변재(邊材) 15.92%, 심재(心材) 26.50%였다. 졸참나무재(材) 분석결과(分析結果)를 보면 회분함량(灰分含量)은 변재(邊材), 심재(心材) 각각(各各) 0.26%, 0.27%이고 냉수(冷水) 추출물(抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 2.81%, 심재(心材) 2.04%였으며 열수(熱水) 추출물(抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 5.32%, 심재(心材) 7.08%였고 하성(荷性)soda 추출물(抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 15.73%, 심재(心材) 16.55%였으며 Alcohol-benzol 추출물(抽出物)은 변재(邊材) 3.93%, 심재(心材) 3.51%로 나타났다. Holocellulose 함량(含量)은 변재(邊材), 심재(心材) 각각(各各) 74.21%, 74.84%였고 Lignin은 변재(邊材) 14.11%, 심재(心材) 19.19%였으며 Pentosan은 변재(邊材) 20.7.5%, 심재(心材) 21.44%의 함량치(含量値)를 보였다. 전체적(全體的)으로 보면 굴참나무재(材)는 변재(邊材), 심재간(心材間)에 회분(灰分), Holocellulose, Lignin, Pentosan함량(含量)에서 특징적(特徵的)인 차이(差異)를 보였으나 졸참나무재(材)는 Lignin함량(含量)에서 다소간(多少間)의 차이(差異)가 인정(認定)될 뿐 그 이외(以外)에 변심재간(邊心材間)에 특수(特殊)한 차이(差異)를 인정(認定)할 수 없었다.
