Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drug (III) -Fundamental Research for the Pharmacological Activity of 'Kangsim-San'-

생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효연구(藥效硏究) (제3보)(第3報) -강심산(强心散)의 기초약물학적(基礎藥物學的) 활성(活性)에 대(對)하여-

  • Published : 1981.12.30


'Kangsim-San' is an added and subtracted prescription of 'Cheongsim-Yeonza-Tang' recorded in 'Dongeuy-Soose-Boweon' from which it has become one of the favorate prescriptions at the Oriental Medical Hospital, Kyung-Hee University. It is described in the book that the 'Cheongsim-Yeonza-Tang' can be effective to symptoms relating to fatigue, nocturnal emission, abdominal pain, tongue deviation and palsy, etc. However the 'Kangsim-San' has been used for neurotic syndrome, pulpitation, insomnia, constipation, dry-mouth, auorexia and arrythmias and so on, added to the above-mentioned symptoms for the 'Cheongsim-Yeonza-Tang' at the hospital. Nevertheless, the pharmacological research of fundamental basis is not completed so far, and we have attempted experiment on various animals to study the pharmacological effects of the medicine. The result was proved as follows; The prescription had a considerable effects on the sedation of central nervous system, antipyretic and analgesic action, and vasodilative action.
