Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Level and Planting Density on the Occurrence of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice

질소시비량 및 재식밀도가 수도 백엽고병 발병에 미치는 영향

  • Choi Y. C. (Dept. of Plant pathology, IAS., O.R.D.) ;
  • Yun M. S. (Dept. of Plant pathology, IAS., O.R.D.) ;
  • Uhm K. B. (Dept. of Entomology, IAS., O.R.D.)
  • 최용철 (농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 병리연구담당관실) ;
  • 윤명수 (농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 병리연구담당관실) ;
  • 엄기백 (농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 곤충연구담당관실)
  • Published : 1980.12.01


In order to investigate the relationship among the occurrence of bacterial leaf blight, amount of nitrogen application and planting density, a field experiment was carried out with factorial combinations of N levels (7.5, 15, 30kg/10a) and planting densities (10\times20,\;15\times30,\;20\times40cm). The results obtained in this study were; (1) The incidence of bacterial leaf blight was increased with increase of nitrogen application; (2) In double amount of nitrogen application (30kg/10a), the incidence of bacterial leaf blight was higher, regardless of planting density; (3) The incidence of bacterial leaf blight in Standard nitrogen application was significantly higher $(R=0.94^{**})$ than at $15\times30cm$ density and $20\times40cm$ planting density.

실소시비량 및 재식거리간 벼 흰빛잎마름병 발병과 관계를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 질소시비량과 발병과는 시비량의 증가에 따라 발병율이 많아지는 경향을 나타냈으며, 7.5kg/10a<15kg/10a<30kg/10a의 순으로 발병이 높았다. 2. 질소시비량이 배비(30kg/10a)일 경우에는 재식거리와는 관계없이 전체적으로 높은 발병율을 나타내었다. 3. 표준시비구(15kg/10a)에서는 $10\times20cm,\;15\times30cm$(표준재식거리)에서 발병도에 큰 차이를 볼 수 없었으나, 재식거리가 넓은 구$(20\times40cm)$에서 발병이 높았다.
