생산(生産) - 재고관리(在庫管理) 시스템의 동적거동(動的擧動)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Study of Dynamic Behavior of Production - Inventory Control System

  • 발행 : 1979.06.30


This paper discusses an application of discrete variable Servo Theory to the analysis of the effectiveness of production-inventory control system which uses exponential smoothing as a specific forecasting technique by establishing a new model which consists of such three departments as production planning, production, and inventory. The objective of the new production-inventory model is to keep the production to the optimal level of minimum production cost in production planning problem for obtaining, the stability of inventory subject to demand variation. On this basis, the dynamic characteristic of the system with the change of the parameters is clarified by the numerical analysis. The results of the numerical analysis show the effect that is obtained by the simultaneous stability of production and inventory as soon as possible.
