딸기 반엽병균의 계통에 대한 품종간 저항성과 살균제의 방제효과

Varietal reactions of Strawberry to two isolates of Mycosphaerella fragariae and its chemical control

  • Kim C. G. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University) ;
  • Cho C. T. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University) ;
  • Bai T. U. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University) ;
  • Han H. S. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University) ;
  • Ha S. Y. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University) ;
  • Moon B. J. (College of Agriculture, Dong-A University)
  • 발행 : 1978.09.01


딸기 48개 품종메 대하여 반엽병균 2개 균주 $K_2,\;S_3$를 폿트시험과 하우스 내의 포장시험으로 인공접종에 의하여 품종별, 균주별의 저항성을 검토하고 약제방제효과에 관한 시험을 실시하였다. 1. 딸기 품종간이나 균주간의 감수성의 차이는 높은 유의성을 나타내었다. 2. $K_2$ 균주가 $S_3$ 균주에 비하여 대부분의 품종에 대하여 병원성이 높았으며 균주에 따라 품종에 대한 반응에 차가 심하였다. 3. $K_2$균주에 대하여 가장 감수성인 품종은 Tioga, Donner, Marshall, Northwest, Red star, Senga sengana, Shasta, Torrey, Hokowase, Daehak No. 1등이고 가장 저항성인 품종은 America, Dabreak, Takanae, Kurumae No. 103, Horida's wander, Benizuru, Hukuba, Himiko등이었다. 4. $S_3$ 균주에 대하여 가장 감수성인 품종은 Marshall. Tioga 등이고 가장 저항성인 품종은 America, Morioka No. 17, Takanae, Kurumae No. 13, Horida's wander, Benizuru, Hukuba등이었다. 5. 딸기 잎의 노유에 따른 $K_2$균주에 대한 감수성은 노엽일수록 저항성이었다. 6. 공시약제중 가장 효과적인 방제악제는 Captan, Zineb, Difolatan등이었다.

Varietal resistance of 49 strawberry varieties to two isolates of Mycosphaerella fragariae was investigated by incoulation experiments and its chemical control was also studied. 1. The susceptibility of varieties and pathogenecity of the isolates were significantly different. 2. in most instances isolate $S_3$ and the reactions of varieties to the isolates were different. 3. Among the varieties tested, Tioga, Donner, Marhall, Northwest, Red star, Senga, sengana, Shasta, Torrey, Hokowase and Daehak No. 1 were found highly susceptible to isolate $K_2$, and America, Dabreak, Takanae, Kurumae No. 103, Horida's wander, Benizuru, Hukuba and Himiko were found as highly resistant. 4. It was apparent that America, Morioka No. 17, Takanae, Kurumae No. 13, Horida's wander, Benizuru and Hukuba were resistant to isolate $S_3$ and Marshall, Tioga were very susceptible to it. 5. As for the susceptibility of varieties by old End new leaf to isolate $K_2$, old leaves were evaluated as highly resistant. 6. Under the conditions of artificial infection Captan was the most effective in controlling for the leafspot and followed by Zineb and Difolatan.
