한국통신학회논문지 (The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences)
- 제3권1호
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- Pages.26-27
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- 1978
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
통신행정의 전문성과 공무원법상 직군렬 - 전기통신의 관리들 중심으로-
Professional Speciality of Communication Administration and, Occupational Group and Series Classes of Position in National Public Official Law -for Efficiency of Telecommunication Management-
오늘날 산업사회(産業社會)가 무한(無限)한 통신작용(通信作用)을 필요(必要)로 하지만 앞으로 다가올 탈산업사회(脫産業社會)에는 정보와 지식을 핵(核)으로 하는 정보화(情報化)가 가속(加速)되어
It can be expected that intelligence and knowledge will be the core of the post-industrial society in a near future. Accordingly, the age of intelligence shall be accelerated extensively to find ourselves in an age of 'Communication' service enterprise. The communication actions will increase its efficiency and multiply its utility, indebted to its scientic principles and legal idea. The two basic elements of communication action, that is, communication station and communication men are considered to perform their function when they are properly supported and managed by the government administration. Since the communication action itself is composed of various factors, the elements such as communication stations and officials must be cultivated and managed by specialist or experts with continuous and extensive study practices concerned. With the above mind, this study reviewed our public service officials law with a view to improve it by providing some suggestions for communication experts and researchers to find suitable positions in the framework of government administration. In this study, I would like to suggest 'Occupational Group of Communication' that is consisted of a series of comm, management positions and research positions in parallel to the existing series of comm, technical position. The communication specialist or expert is required to be qualified with necessary scientific knowledge and techniques of communication, as well as prerequisites as government service officials. Communication experts must succeed in the first hand to obtain government licence concerned in with the government law and regulation, and international custom before they can be appointed to the official positions. This system of licence-prior-to-appointment is principally applied in the communication management position. And communication research positions are for those who shall engage themselves to the work of study and research in the field of both management and technical nature. It is hopefully expected that efficient and extensive management of communication activities, as well as scientific and continuous study over than communication enterprise will be upgraded at national dimensions.