Carbofuran 수도근계처리의 해충방제효과

Root-zone Placement of Carbofuran for Control of Rice Insect Pests

  • 유재기 (농촌진흥청농업기술연구소) ;
  • 최승윤 (서울대학교 농과대학) ;
  • 이형래 (농촌진흥청농업기술연구소) ;
  • 송유한 (농촌진흥청농업기술연구소)
  • Ryu J. K. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
  • Choi S. Y. (College of Agriculture, SNU) ;
  • Lee H. R. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
  • Song Y. H. (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ORD)
  • 발행 : 1977.12.01


IRRI에서 고안제작한 액상 주입기(Liquid applicator)에 의한 Carbofuran 액상근부주변 처리의 수도 해충 방제 효과에 대한 시험을 Capsule 근부처리, 입제, 수면처리와 비교 시험을 호남작물시험장 묘 포장에서 실시하였다. Carbofuran 액상근부 주변처리는 Carbofuran Capsule 근부 처리에 비하여 해충 방제효과가 낮었다. 그러나 Carbofuran, Diaainon입제 수면시용, 2내지 4회 처리와 대등내지는 상회하는 해충방제 효과가 있었다. 이들 해충 방제효과는 유신품종에 비하여 팔굉 품종에서 현저히 높였으며 액상 Carhofuran일회 근부처리는 수도 전 생유기에 걸친 이화명충, 애멸구와 줄무늬 잎마름병 및 끝동매미충 방제의 가능성이 엿 보였다.

During 1976 the effects of carbofuran placement in the root zone of the rice plants, the varieties Palkweng and Yushin, were evaluated for control of common rice pests in the paddy field at the Honam Crops Experiment Station. The methods of insecticide placement included the use of capsule formulation and liquid injection by the root-zone liquid insecticide injector designed at the International Rice Research Institute. The single ro~t-zone application of carbofuran at 2 days after transplanting was compared with two and fcur broadcast applications of carbofuran and diazinon. Capsules were the most. effective in controlling the striped rice borer (Chilo suppressalis), small brown plant-hopper (Laodelphax striatellus), green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps) and stripe virus disease which is transmitted by the small brown planthopper. However, one injector application of carbofuran was equal or better the broadcast applications. Their control effectiveness were more significant on Palkweng susceptible to common rice pests than on Yushin resistant to the stripe virus disease.
