Identification of Sugar from Korean Ginseng Saponins by Acid-hydrolysis

인삼(人蔘) Saponin 산가수분해물(酸加水分解物)의 당류(糖類)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Yim, Kook-Yi (Dept. of Home Economics, Daejon Junior College)
  • Published : 1977.03.30


In order to identify the sugars of saponin originated from Korean ginseng, experimentations were made on the four kinds of ginseng. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The starch content of Ginseng-tail, White-ginseng 3 and 6 years old-whole ginseng were 10.4, 31.5, 8.2, 25.6% and total sugar of its were 37.0, 61.5, 64.5, 62.5% and free sugar were 7.6, 10.5, 11.3, and 10.7% respectively. 2. Saponins were separated from Ginseng-tail, White-ginseng, 3 and 6 years old-whole ginseng by modified SHIBATA method. looms of crude saponin was used for the Thin layer Chromatography (TLC) and thirteen to twelve spots of saponin were isolated by double development $(Solvent:\;CHCL_3\;:\;MeOH\;:\;H_2O=65\;:\;35\;:\;10)$ and by two dimensional development. $(Solvent:\;nBuOH\;:\;HOAC\;:\;H_2O=4\;:\;1\;:\;5)$ The Pattern of spot was not significantly different according to Ginseng sample. 3. Glucose was identified from the acid-hydrolyzate of Ginsen-tail saponin by paper chromatography and isolated the unknown chromatogram seems to be pentose.

인삼(人蔘) Saponin의 구성당류(構成糖類)를 동정하기 위하러 인삼(人蔘) 종류별(種類別), 연근별(年根別) 시료(試料)에 대하여 실험(實驗)하였으며 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 미삼(尾蔘), 백삼(白蔘), 삼년(三年) 및 육년근(六年根) 수삼(水蔘)의 전분함량(澱粉含量)은 각각(各各) 10.4, 31.5, 8.2, 25.6%였으며 전당(全糖)은 각각(各各) 37.0, 61.5, 64.5, 62.5% 였고 유리당(遊離糖)은 7.6, 10.5, 11.3, 10.7% 였다. 2. 미삼(尾蔘), 백삼(白蔘), 삼년(三年) 및 육년근(六年根) 수삼(水蔘)에서 얻은 Saponin을 TLC에 의하여 전개(展開)시킨 결과(結果) 거의 유의(類似)한 Pattern을 동정 하였다. 3. 미삼(尾蔘)에서 분리(分離)한 Saponin 산가수분해물(酸加水分解物)의 Paper Chromatography 결과(結果) glucose를 동정할 수 있었고 Pentose로 예상되는 unknown chromatogram을 얻을 수 있었으며 Saponin의 구성당(構成糖)은 0.7%였다. 4. 미삼전당(尾蔘全糖)획 구성비(構成比)는 전분(澱粉), 유리당(遊離糖), Saponin분자(分子) 구성당(構成糖), 기타가 각각(各各) 28.1 2.05, 1.9, 49.5%였다.
