VTR 및 YK식(式) 작업성격검사기(作業性格檢査器)를 이용(利用)한 기능공(技能工)의 숙련도측정(熟練度測定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on the method for finding the degree of proficiency of technicians by the use of VTR and Machine of working character tests by a pattern of YK

  • 이순요 (고려대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1976.06.30


In this study, Multiple Factor Analysis was undertaken for the purpose of substituting General Vocational Aptitude tester for paper tests according to the standardized and partially modified norm, and compared and analyzed these aptitude tests YK Type Working Character test for a test battery. In this analysis, four basis aptitude cluster of AQE was utilized as aptitude cluster, the study for skill was carried out by the method of sampling electronic aptitude cluster in four basis ones, and the parts needed in the process of its analysis were investigated by means of Video-Tape Recording. This paper was performed with sample test by application of the inverse variation curve from learning theory and induced learning rate as a measure of the degree of proficient of technicians, and from the obtained results illustrated optimum newly-production plan of ability program and load program by the use of computer program.
