A Computer Program for System Reliability Prediction

시스템의 신뢰성(信賴性) 예측(豫測)을 위한 컴퓨터 프로그램

  • 김영휘 (고려대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 최문기 (고려대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1975.12.31


A computer program for computing complex system reliability is described. The program is composed of three phases : Phase I program reduces all series, parallel and series-parallel components and subsequently obtains an irreducible non-series-parallel system. Phase II program enumerates all the possible paths from the source to the sink of the graph. Phase III program then computes system reliability based on the information obtained by the Phase II program. The program is based on a modified version of the algorithm published in [6]. An example of the use of the computer program is given.
