Cemeso1혼화제가 콘크리트의 압축강도와 내산성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Effects of Cemesol Admixture on Compressive Strength and Acid-resistanee of Concrete

  • 고재군 (서울대학교 농과대학) ;
  • 황경구 (농업진흥공사 농공시험소)
  • 발행 : 1975.06.01


This study was conducted to investigate some effects of Cemesol on acidresistance and compressive strength of concrete. In mix design of concrete, the cemesol was used as an admixture of cement, and it was added to the mix in an amount equal to 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% by weight of cement of the mix. Concrete specimens were made in accordance with the. Korean Standard Specification for concrete and they were tested for acid-resistance and compressive strength at 2 weeks intervals through 8 weeks. The tests were performed in two cases non-curing and curing for 28 days. The results obtained from the tests are summarized as follows. 1. Refering to acid-resistance test, the cemesol was comparatively effective at every cemesol content except 0.3% in case of non-curing and it was found that cemesol content of 0.4% was the optimum. On the other hand, the cemesol was ineffective in case of curing, but it was seen that cemesol content of 0.1% had some effect at 6 to 8 weeks curing only. 2. Refering to compressive strength test, the cemesol was remarkably effective at a content of 0.1% but it was also shown most inefiective at content of 0.3% in case of non-curing. On the other hand the cemesol was comparatively effective at every content of cemesol except a content of 0.2% in case of curing and it was determined that the cemesol content of 0.3% may be an optimum content. 3. Since optimum cemesol content varied according to acid-resistance, compressive strength and cases such as non-curing and curing, as indicated above may be desirable to choose an optimum cemesol content suitable for purposes and ciroumstances of construction works or conditions of location. 4. The corrosive rate was proportional to compressive strength in case of non-curing, but the relation was reversed in case of curing. It was found that corrosive rate for 8 weeks did not influence compressive strength in case of non-curing but compressive strength in case of curing begins to vary under the influence of corrosion. Thus, corrosion may be more serious to compressive strength in case of curing than that in case of non-curing.
