$^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90}Y$, $^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90}Y$,$^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90m}Y$및 $^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90m}Y$반응의 평균 핵분열 반응단면적을 결정하였다. $\alpha-$히드록시 이소부티르산을 용출제로한 양이온 교환 수지통을 사용하여 생성된 핵종을 정량적으로 분리하였다. $^{90m}Y$ 및 $^{90}Y$의 절대측정은 $\gamma-$선 분광법 및 보정된 $2\pi$계측기로 각각 $0.14\pm0.01mb$, $0.83\pm0.02mb$, $0.018\pm0.02mb$ 및 $0.33\pm0.02mb$이었다. $^{90}Y$ 대신 $^{90m}Y$ 를 사용하는 편이 니오브를 정량하기 위한 보다 좋은 분석방법이 될 수 있음을 알았으며 그 가능성에 대하여 검토하였다.
The average fission neutron cross sections were determined for the following reactions, $^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90}Y$, $^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90}Y$,$^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90m}Y$and$^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90m}Y$. The cation exchange column was used for the quantitative separation of the product nuclides using $\alpha-$hydroxyisobutyric acid as the eluent. The absolute activites of $^{90m}Y$ and $^{90}Y$were determined by the gamma ray spectrometry and a calibrated $2\pi$gas flow counter, respectively. The cross sections of $^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90}Y$, $^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90}Y$,$^{93}Nb(n,\alpha)^{90m}Y$and $^{90}Zr(n,p)^{90m}Y$ reactions were found to be$0.14\pm0.01mb$, $0.83\pm0.02mb$, $0.018\pm0.02mb$ and $0.33\pm0.02mb$, respectively. The possible use of $^{90m}Y$ instead of $^{90}Y$ was discussed as a better means for the determination of niobium.