Analytical Studies on The Useful Characters Affecting The Lodging Resistance of Wheat and Barley Varieties

맥류의 도복에 관여하는 유용형질의 분석에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1972.07.01


This experiment has been made to study the relationship between several characters affecting the field lodging and to establish some useful standards for selection of lodging resistant varieties and to classify the degree of lodging resistance in wheat and barley varieties of different sources. The experiment was carried at the Crop Experiment Station, Suwon in 1968. The results obtained are summarized as followings. a. The lodging index modified with bending moment of culm at breaking seemed to be the most useful character in checking the lodging resistance. Highly significant positive correlation (Barley; r=0.40-0.67, Wheat; r=0.46-0.68) was obtained between the lodging index and actual field lodging. b. Between two essential components expressing bending stiffness of the culm, the bending moment at breaking and secondary moment of inertia, a highly significant positive correlation (Barley; r=0.59, wheat; r=0.46-0.53) was observed. c. The bending stiffness of culm got stronger as the dry weight per unit culm, which express the quantity of accumulated dry matters in culm, increased. The correlation coefficient between those two factors was 0.35 to 0.40 in barley and 0.33 to 0.76 in wheat respectively. d. In both wheat and barley, highly significant negative correlation between lodging index and the other factors such as dry weight per unit culm (Barley; r=-0. 51 to -0.70, Wheat; r=-0.65 to -0.83) and bending moment of culm at breaking (Barley; r=-0.29 to -0.69, Wheat: r=-0.54 to -0.89) were observed. Particulary, weight of culm at breaking, secondary moment of inertia and section modulus showed significant negative correlation with lodging index in wheat. e. Outside diameter of culm expressed more intimate relationship with physical characteristics of culm than inside diameter and also showed highly significant correlation with weight of culm at breaking (Barley; r=0.42-0.56, Wheat; r=0.39-0.44) and with bending moment of culm at breaking (Barley; r=0.40-0.41, Wheat; r=0.38-0.49) and with secondary moment of inertia (Barley; r=0.56-0.57, Wheat; r=0.28-0.98) and with section modulus (Wheat; r=0.22-0.96). Between the thickness of culm and physical characteristics of culm also showed the positive correlation. f. There was positive correlation between the culm length and actual field lodging in several groups of variety among the varieties tested. But the culm length seemed to undesirable as a selection measure for the selection of the lodging resistant variety considering the stiffness of culm. g. In classification of lodging resistance for the varieties tested, many Korean barley varieties expressed excellent lodging resistant than wheat, but most of the wheat and barley varieties from Japan considered quite resistant to lodging. h. In selection of lodging resistant varieties, lodging index lower than 1.67 in barley and 1. 76 in wheat considered highly resistant to actual field lodging.

본연구는 맥류의 도복에 관여하는 주요형질의 상호관계를 구명함과 아울러 주요 대소맥 품종의 내도복성정도를 분류하고, 내도복성 품종 선발의 기준을 인정하여 보고자 한 것이며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 포장도복과 도복지수는 고도의 정의 상관(대맥 r=0.44-0.67 소맥 r=0.46-0.68)이 있으며 지상부 Bending moment에 간자체의 정도를 가미한 지수로서 도복저항성 검정에 가장 유효하다. 2. 간의 Bending stiffness를 표시하는 좌절시 Bending moment와 단면 2차 moment와는 정의 높은 상관(대백 r=0.59, 소맥 r=0.46-0.53)을 보였다. 3. 간의 Bending stiffness(좌절시 Bending moment 단면 2차 moment)와 간에의 건물집적량을 표시하는 단위간건물중과는 높은 정의 상관 (대맥 r=0.35-1.40, 소맥 r=0.33-0.76)을 보였다. 4. 도복지수와 단위간건물중 (대맥 r=-0.51~-0.70, 소맥 r=-0.65~-0.83) 좌절시 Bending moment (대맥 r=-0.29~-0.69, 소맥 r=-0.54~-0.89)과는 특히 높은 부의 상관을 보였으며, 소맥의 경우는 좌절하중, 단면 2차 moment, 단면계수와는 높은 부의 상관을 보였다. 5. 간외경은 간내경보다 간의 물리적 특성과 상관이 높으며 좌절하중 (대맥 r=0.42-0.56, 소맥 r=0.39-0.44), 좌절시 Bending moment (대맥 r=0.40-0.41, 소맥 r=0.38-0.49), 단면 2차 moment (대맥 r=0.56-0.97, 소맥 r=0.0.28-0.28), 단면계수(소맥 r=0.22-0.96)와는 정의 높은 상관이 있었고, 간벽후와 물리적특성과도 정의 상관을 보였다. 6. 간장은 포장도복과는 품종군에 따라서는 정의 상관은 보이나, 간의 강도를 고려한다면 내도복저항성품종 선발의 지표로서 이용하기는 어려울 것으로 보인다. 7. 대소맥의 많은 품종의 내도복성 정도를 분류한 결과, 한국품종중 대맥은 내도복저항성품종이 많고, 대맥은 내도복성인 품종의 분포가 대맥보다 적었으나, 일본품종들을 대소맥 모두 내도복저항성인 품종이 많았다. 8. 내도복저항성인 품종의 선발을 위하여는 도복지수가 대맥 1.67 소맥 1.76 정도 이하인 것은 고도의 저항성이 있었다.
