Effects of handling methods of seed tuber pieces at planting on sprouting of fall grown potatoes

파종당시의 종서취급방식이 추작 마령서의 발아에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1970.12.01


It is one of the important subjects in fall crop production of potatoes in korea to find the proper direct planting method as a substitute for transplanting method by sprouting inducement at seed-bed. From this point the author has undertaken this experiments to examine the effects of several handling methods of seed tuber pieces at planting on sprouting of fall grown potatoes at Ansung Agricultural College from August to september in 1969. The results of experiments induced sprouting with Gibberellin treatment using the variety Irish Cobbler were as follows; 1. Sun light exposure treatment to cut surface of potato seed pieces resulted in rotting of seed pieces and delay of sprouting and bud growth. Exposure more than three hours induced severe rotting(more than fifty percent) of seed pieces (Table I). 2. When soil moisture are abundant and the duration of sun light. exposure is short, even direct planting method of treated seed pieces with Gibberellin resulted in good potato stands (Table 2). 3. The direct planting method, as the rotting of seed pieces are avoidable are applicable in fall crop production of potatoes us a substitute for transplanting method because the sprouting and bud growth are promoted more in case of direct planting than transplanting (Table 3). 4. When the humidity in the bottle was low no healing effects was found by holding the seed pieces in large closed bottle under the trees for three days before planting (Table 2). 5. If duration of sunlight exposure is short, no difference of potato stands between clear day planting and cloudy day plant ing (Table 3). 6. As long as soil moisture deficiency. was not induced the irrigation at planting shows no effects to protect the seed piece rotting after planting (Table 3).

안성지방에서 8월말경 마령서의 추작을 할때 남작을 2pm의 Gibberellin 용액에 10분간 침적해서 파종할 경우 종서의 취급방식이 파종후의 종서부패와 발아생육에 미치는 영향에 관해서 실험한 성적을 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 절단종서의 절단면을 직사일광에 조사하면 파종후의 종서부패와 발아생육의 지연을 초래하였는데 조사시간이 3시간이상 되면 피해는 막심하다. (2) 토양수분이 넉넉하고 직사일광에 오래 쏘이지만 ?\ulcorner으면 직파를 해도 최아정식하는 것 보다 종서부패가 많지 않다. (3) 종서부패가 적으면 직파하는 것이 최아정식하는 것보다 본포에서의 호착기간이 필요없기 때문에 생육이 빠르다. (4) 종서절편을 파종전 3일간 독속에 넣고 대하여 절구의 유상조직형성을 촉진해보려는 시도는 실해하였는데 이는 독속의 고습도유지가 안되었기 때문이라고 추측된다. (5) 처리 및 파종작업이 단기간에 끝인다면 일기의 영향은 청천이나 담천이나 다름이 없다. (6) 포장수분이 부족하지 않으면 관수를 해도 부패경감이나 발아촉진의 효과가 나타나지 않았다.
