쌍태임신에 관한 임상 간호학적 관찰

  • 이귀향 (서울대학교 의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 이성학 (서울대학교 의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 박성숙 (서울대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
  • 발행 : 1970.12.01


It is important to point out that the percental mortality rate of the multiple pregnancy is almost twice of the single pregnancy due mainly to their prematurity and the mothers of twins will also be suffered from the plural births to nurse and take care of them. We therefore studied the incidence, the sex ratio, the types of deliveries, the complications and the percental mortality rate of the twin deliveries in order to promote the development of our field of maternal and child nursing. We selected our materials from the 112 patients who had been admitted and delivered twins in the department of OB. & Gyn. of the S.N.U. Hospital from Jan. 1962 to Dec. 1969. The abstructed results of this study were as follows. 1. The incidence of twins among 7, 731 births was 1:69 2. The occurrence of twins from elder multigravida was 4 to 6 times higher than younger primigravida mothers under 35 years of age. 3. The generational length of 45.5% of all twins was under 38 weeks and the mean birth weight of 1st and 2nd twins were 2, 354.7gm and 2, 215.8gm respectively. 4. The sex ratio of twins was 99 males and 124 females. 5. Presentation of twins: 59 cases (52.69%) were in both vertex. 37 cases (33.03%) in vertex plus breech. 15 cases (13.39%) in both breech and one case (0.89%) in transverse presentation. 6. For the types of deliveries Spontaneous deliveries were in 90 babies (40.6%) Breech extraction in 60 babies (26.3%) Vacuum used in 33 babies (15.0%) Cesarean section in 33 babies (9.8%) Forceps in 9 babies (4.2%) and others such as version and destructive measures in 9 babies (4.1%) 7. Intervals between the 1st and 2nd delivery were analyzed and 93% of 2nd twins were delivered within minutes after 1st delivery. 8. The main complications of twin deliveries were totemic (45.5%), second was postmarital hemorrhage (19.6%) and third was hydrations (7.1%) 9. The mean percental mortality of 1st and 2nd twins was 12.52% and 16.96% respectively of which main cause of death were their prematurity.
