담도계 회충증의 간호와 임상적 고찰

  • 김은덕 (전남대학교 의과대학 부속간호학교)
  • 발행 : 1970.12.01


Ascariasis symptoms penetrated into biliary tract are reported to be found much more in Korea than in foreign countries. And the present writer believes there are also many cases of biliary tract symptoms that are actually experienced but that are not reported. As a result of experiencing and nursing twenty cases of ascariasis symptoms of biliary tract, the present writer has got several conclusions, and reports them together with reference to sundry records. (1) The penetrating rate of ascariasis in male versus female was 1 to 1.5. Consequently the rate of female was higher than that of male. The highest age of the case was 67, the lowest 19, and the average age was 45.2. (2) As to symptoms, right upper quadrant abdomen pain and fat diet intolerance were the largest in number. By laboratory findings there were depressive pain on right upper quadrant abdomen in all the cases. (3) As to the location of ascariasis, choledochus occupied the largest part, and the longer illness history was, the more cases coexisting with calculus were found. (4) As to operative method, cholecystectomy and choledochotomy weres the largest in number, and choledochotomy T-tube was inserted in all cases. As to complication after operation, there were operative wound infection, excoriation through bile juice issue, etc. There were three cases of re-penetration of ascariasis and only one case of reoperation.
