The distribution ratio of lanthanon nitrates in the TBPO- and TOPO-toluene systems were studied radiometrically as a function of solvent, nitrate and atomic number(Z). The plots of log Kd vs. Z shows two straight lines which are crossing at Z = 63∼64. The solvent dependency was same for lighter and heavier lanthanons but nitrate dependency was different between the two parts.
TBPO-toluene 및 TOPO-toluene 系에 대한 4f 稀土類元素의 硝酸鹽의 溶媒濃度, 硝酸基濃度 및 原子番號(Z)의 變化에 따르는 分配率의 變化를 放射化學的으로 測定하였다. log Kd 對 Z의 關係는 Z=63∼64에서 交叉되는 二個의 直線으로 表示되면 溶媒濃度 依存度는 稀土類元素 全般에 걸쳐 一定하나 硝酸基濃度 依存度는 經稀土類元素와 重稀土類元素가 다르게 나타난다.