The general equation for the substituent effect test, which was derived in the previous paper, has been extended to correlate thermodynamic parameters of solvolysis reaction by modifying the potential energy term to represent the effect of changes in solvent composition. The linear fits of the new equation, $\Delta{\Delta}H^\neq=a'Y+b\Delta{\Delta}S^\neq$, were tested with 35 examples from literature and average correlation coefficient of 0.977 was obtained. Examination of results showed that the equation is generally applicable to solvolysis reaction and helps elucidate some the difficulties experienced with the Grunwald-Winsteln equation. It has been stressed that the linear enthalpy-entropy effect exists only between the external enthalpy and entropy of activation, and therefore strictly it is the linear external enthalpy-entropy effect.
前報에서 誘導한 置換基效果 一般關係式은 溶媒組成에 따르는 常數, Y를 potential energy 項에 代置함으로서 solvolysis 反應에 適用할 수가 있다. 新方程式, $\Delta{\Delta}H^\neq=a'Y+b\Delta{\Delta}S^\neq$, 의 適用性은 文獻에 報告된 35個反應에 對한 直線關係를 調査해 봄으로서 檢討하였다. 結果로 平均 相關係數 0.977을 얻었고, 따라서 이 方程式이 solvolysis反應에 一般的으로 適用됨을 밝혔고, 또 Grunwald-Winstein의 式이 지니는 몇몇 難點을 解決할 수가 있음을 알 수 있었다. enthalypy-entopy 直線效果는 外部 enthalpy와 外部 entropy에 限한 것이며, 嚴格히 말해서 外部 enthalpy entropy 直線效果임을 强調하였다.