Bi를 $He^3$로 照射하였을때 生産되는 At 同位元素

The Astatine Isotopes Produced in $He^3$ Bombardment of Bismuth

  • 이익춘 (原子力硏究所 化學硏究室)
  • 발행 : 19630600


$Bi^{209}$ $를\;He^3$로 조사했을때 생긴 At 同位元素를 Alpha Ionization Chamber 및 100 Channel 파고분석기로 조사하였다. 주생성물은 ($He^3$, 3n) 반응으로 생기는 $At^{209}$였고, 그외에도 4종의 At同位元素를 얻었다. 各 同位元素상대적인 수량을 반정양적으로 계산하였다.

The astatine isotopes produced in $He^3$ bombardment of bismuth were analysed with alpha ionization chamber and 100 channel pulse height analyser. The main product was $At^{209}$ formed by ($He^3$, 3n) reaction. Four other isotopes were also identified. Semi-quantitative calculation of relative yield of each isotope was attempted.



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