스테아타이트 素地의 誘電特性

Dielectric Behavior of Steatite Body

  • 임응극 (서울大學校 工科大學 化學工學科)
  • Eung Keuk Lim (Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 19630600


粘土鑛物과 滑石과의 關係에 對한 正確한 報告가 거의 없어. 이에 對한 磁器化溫度範圍 및 電氣的絶緣性과 粘土含量의 關係를 究明하였다. 스테아타이트素地의 製造에 使用한 原料는 國産 滑石, 粘土, 長石, 硅石等이며, 吸水率, 燒成線收縮率을 測定 檢討하고, 또 磁器化된 素地들의 電氣的絶緣性을 測定하였다. 그 結果 磁器化溫度範圍는 재겔錐 1乃至 3番內에 있었으며 $MgCO_3$를 添加함에 따라 燒成收縮은 크게 일어났으나, 粘土含量이 20% 以下였을 때는 磁器化溫度範圍가 增大되었다. 耐熱性은 全般的으로 良好하였으며 粘土量을 增加시킴에 따라 膨脹率, 誘電體力率, 絶線耐性은 增加하고, 體積固有抵抗은 減少하였다.

A review of the literature is cited. Little exact information exists on the relation between clay materials and talc. The raw materials which are used in making steatite body consist of talc, clay, feldspar, and flint mined in Korea. The percentage absorption and linear burning shrinkage are measured and then discussed. The vitrified bodies were used in measurement of dielectric properties. The method of measurements for dielectric properties are described too.



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  2. J. Am. Cer. Soc. v.26 Physical Chemistry of Firing Steatite Ceramics R.L. Stone
  3. TAGS v.37 no.3 Fundamental Studies of Talc, K constitution of Talc J.A. Pask;M.F. Warner
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  9. Eng. Expt. Bull. no.27 Factors Affecting the Firing Shrinkage of Dry pressed Steatite Bodies
  10. Eng. Expt. Bull. no.29 Shrinkage control in steatite and Development of Electrical Insulators R.L. Stone
  11. TACS v.37 no.4 phosphated-bonded Talc J.E. Comoforo;J.G Breed love;H Jhurnauer
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