Dimension extraction technique for structures using point cloud data

  • Jehee Han (Department of civil engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Minseo Jang (Department of civil engineering, Inha University) ;
  • SungKwon Woo (Department of civil engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Do Hyoung Shin (Department of civil engineering, Inha University)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


Recently, digitalization technologies for data analysis have become a global issue. As a result, in the construction market, Building Information Modeling (BIM), which is a core technology of smart construction, is being actively utilized not only in the architectural sector but also in the civil engineering field worldwide. In this study, the process of creating BIM models using a 3D scanner is examined, and automated extraction of numerical information for infrastructures necessary for library creation is conducted. In experiments utilizing infrastructurs such as retaining walls and employing algorithmic methods, the accuracy of cross-sectional numerical information for each retaining wall was confirmed to be over 95%. This enables not only BIM modeling but also the generation of drawings for facilities lacking BIM drawings by confirming the shape information of infrastructures, thus facilitating efficient maintenance.



The support of the Basic Science Research Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government(MSIT) is gratefully acknowledged. (No.RS-2023-00217983)


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