Development of Infrastructure Maintenance Map based on GIS Data for Efficient Budget Management

  • Changjun Lee (Department of Construction Policy Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology) ;
  • Taeil Park (Department of Construction Policy Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology) ;
  • Yongwoon Cha (Department of Construction Policy Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


Many developed countries, including Korea, are rapidly aged owing to years of use. Infrastructures such as roads, water, and sewage are Social Overhead Capital (SOC), which provide convenience to the nation and support national economic growth. Thus, continuous maintenance and investment are required because infrastructure deterioration is directly related to social effects, such as quality of life and safety. In addition, because infrastructure maintenance costs a lot of the budget, it is necessary to appropriate criteria for budget allocation, given assessing the condition of infrastructure. This study developed an Infrastructure Maintenance Map (IMM) based on a Geographic Information System (GIS) for infrastructure maintenance budgets and investment priorities. The IMM uses maintenance information for roads, bridges, water, and sewage, obtained from Bridge Management System (BMS), Pavement Management System (PMS) and facility data in South Korea. The IMM can calculate deterioration levels and maintenance costs of infrastructure repair methods. Maintenance priorities are also evaluated based on Multi-Attribute Utility Theory using the deterioration level, economic feasibility, and effect of facilities. This study contributes to easy decision-making regarding infrastructure investment priorities and maintenance budgeting to the status of facility on the 3D map by IMM.



Research for this paper was carried out under the KICT Research Program (project no. 2024089-001, The construction policy and construction management development strategy) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.


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