Prototyping and Field Application of Light Emotion Friendly Concrete with Pattern Design

패턴 디자인이 적용된 LEFC 시제품 제작 및 현장적용

  • 서승훈 (서울과학기술대학교, 나노IT디자인융합대학원 디자인기술융합전공) ;
  • 김수연 (서울과학기술대학교, 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 김병일 (서울과학기술대학교, 건축학부)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


Recently, exposed concrete designs have been placed everywhere due to increased interest in indoor residential environments. In addition, in order to overcome the disadvantages of litracon, which was developed by mixing optical fiber, LEFC(Light Emotion Friendly Concrete) was developed in Korea, which improved unit price and constructivity by inserting hard acrylic rods. LEFC, using foaming agent and lightweight aggregate for light weighting, has disadvantages that decrease mechanical properties, and thus improved mechanical properties by using ultra-high performance concrete. Also, due to the characteristics of UHPC materials, it showed excellent self-consolidating performance. Considering these characteristics, a LEFC mold with pattern design was developed. The LEFC blocks were built so that pattern shapes could be seen and these were applied on-site to Sewoon plaza, located in Seoul.
