Development of a 100kW charging infra for electrical bus

전기버스용 100kW급 충전인프라 개발

  • Published : 2013.11.15


Recent global warming to the promotion of electric vehicles (EV), plug-in hybrid (PEV), including the next generation of cars and solar power, wind power and other renewable energy, and next-generation power grid (smart grid) are getting attention. In addition, the system utilizes the battery life in the industry and the convenience of a variety of social systems, economics, environmental impact, and the inherent potential to change significantly, and you can not walk into a next-generation industrial strategy and the need increases more and more present, and its early commercialization In order to do this, as well as a key energy source, the battery charger for charging efficiency technologies is essential. In this paper, fast charge multiple battery modules and optional modules that can charge distribution charge will be introduced.
