Development of 100kW Grid-Connected PCS for Vanadium Redox flow Battery

바나듐 레독스 플로우 전지용 100kW급 계통연계형 PCS 개발

  • Published : 2013.11.15


Recently environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions has become a global problem. As a result, the current that can be easily used to Petroleum and coal reserves of fossil energy and environmental issues, coupled with the limitations of this finding for renewable energy to replace the movement is spreading around the world. Among them Energy Storage System with secondary battery technology has been increased interest in, Redox flow batteries, unlike the conventional theory, the life of the rechargeable battery almost no restrictions existing lithium-ion batteries 10 times more than the life of the road. In this paper, power plant or power system, installed in a building that can cope with the rapid increase in demand for power redox flow battery for 100kW PCS will be introduced.
