Design of Identification Metadata for UCI

UCI를 위한 식별 메타데이터 설계

  • Park, Sungbum (Department of Management Planning, National Information Society Agency) ;
  • Lee, Sangwon (Division of Information and Electronic Commerce, Wonkwang University)
  • 박승범 (한국정보화진흥원 경영기획부) ;
  • 이상원 (원광대학교 정보전자상거래학부(정보과학연구소))
  • Published : 2013.07.17


Although UCI Identification metadata is not represented in the UCI syntax, it means a set of elements that enable users to easily and quickly identify. Against this backdrop, we research on how to design identification metadata for UCI. First of all, we check ISO/IEC 11179 and compare this with UCI properties. And then we defines nine components (such as UCI, Identifier, Title, Type, Mode, Format, Contributor, ContributorEntitiy, and ContributorRole) as elements of the identification metadata and establish encoding scheme with several parts (such as List of Encoding Scheme, Encoding Scheme of Identifier, Encoding Scheme of Type, Encoding Scheme of Mode, Encoding Scheme of Format, and Encoding Scheme of ContributorRole).
