Undrained Cyclic Shear strength of Nak-dong River sands according to Plasticity Index of fine-grained soils

낙동강 모래의 세립분의 소성지수에 따른 비배수 반복 전단강도

  • Kim, Sung-Ho (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Su (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Sung-Sik (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Shin, Ji-Seop (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 2010.09.09


Around the Nakdong River which is one part of the repairing business of 4 Grand Rivers currently being constructed, sandy ground is distributed throughout the wide area. Many civil engineering structures such as small and medium sized dams, flood control basins, and redevelopment of reservoirs and retention reservoirs are scheduled to be constructed, so the prevention measures for liquefaction are surely needed. To identify such liquefaction, a lot of factor affecting the strength of liquefaction were studied through laboratory investigation. Most of the conducted study was about clean sands, but in the case of the real ground the sand can exist not in the clean conditions but in the conditions mostly including sand of fine grained soil. The sand of fine grained soil has become a significant factor to assess liquefaction because many cases of liquefaction happened in the silty and clayer soil. In this study, un-drained tests of plasticity index of fine grained particles were conducted with the sands from Nakdong River. In result, the study shows that dynamic shear strength characteristics differ according to the plasticity index.
