Automatic real-time system of the global 3-D MHD model: Description and initial tests

  • 발행 : 2009.10.15


The Solar and Space Weather Research Group (SOS) in Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is constructing the Space Weather Prediction Center since 2007. As a part of the project, we are developing automatic real-time system of the global 3-D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation. The MHD simulation model of earth's magnetosphere is designed as modified leap-frog scheme by T. Ogino, and it was parallelized by using message passing interface (MPI). Our work focuses on the automatic processing about simulation of 3-D MHD model and visualization of the simulation results. We used PC cluster to compute, and virtual reality modeling language (VRML) file format to visualize the MHD simulation. The system can show the variation of earth's magnetosphere by the solar wind in quasi real time. For data assimilation we used four parameters from ACE data; density, pressure, velocity of solar wind, and z component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). In this paper, we performed some initial tests and made a animation. The automatic real-time system will be valuable tool to understand the configuration of the solar-terrestrial environment for space weather research.
