한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2009년도 세계 도시지반공학 심포지엄
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- Pages.1158-1163
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- 2009
수평배수관망을 이용한 연약지반 처리공법의 적용성 평가
Application on Soft Ground Improvement Method using Horizontal Drainge Pipe System
- Yoo, Chan-Ho (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hongik University) ;
- Kang, Soo-Yong (Wooan E&C) ;
- Hong, Soon-Yong (Wooan E&C) ;
- Kim, Hong-Taek (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hongik University)
- 발행 : 2009.09.25
In this study, PSD system to improve the soft ground was developed by using a horizontal drainage pipe. PSD system is direct drain method for the disappearance of excess pore-water pressure which is caused by fill on soft ground. To conduct the field test construction in order to evaluate application of the PSD system. To estimate the behavior characteristics on settlement in which constructed by PSD system and compared the behavior characteristics with the conventional soft ground improvement method result.