Development & Verification of Frequency-Strain Dependence Curve

주파수-변형률 곡선의 개발 및 검증

  • Published : 2009.03.27


One dimensional site response analysis is widely used in prediction of the ground motion that is induced by earthquake. Equivalent linear analysis is the most widely used method due to its simplicity and ease of use. However, the equivalent linear method has been known to be unreliable since it approximates the nonlinear soil behavior within the linear framework. To consider the nonlinearity of the ground at frequency domain, frequency dependent algorithms that can simulate shear strain - frequency dependency have been proposed. In this study, the results of the modified equivalent linear analysis are compared to evaluate the degree of improvement and the applicability of the modified algorithms. Results show the novel smoothed curve that is proposed by this study indicates the most stable prediction and can enhance the accuracy of the prediction.
