Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference (한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.04a
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- Pages.470-475
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- 2008
A Research on Drawing Representation for BIM(Building Information Modeling)
BIM을 위한 도면 표현 사례에 관한 연구
- Chae, Kab-Su ;
- Kim, Eon-Yong ;
Jun, Han-Jong
Lee, Myung-Sik
- Kim, Khil-Chae ;
- Choi, Jong-Chun ;
- You, Seok-Joon
- 채갑수 ((주)삼우종합건축사사무소 기술연구소) ;
- 김언용 (한양대학교 건축학부) ;
(한양대학교 건축학부) ;
(동국대학교 건축학부) ;
- 김길채 (청운대학교 건축학과) ;
- 최종천 (아키랩 건축사 사무소) ;
- 유석준 (성균관대학교)
- Published : 2008.04.17
Building Information Modeling(BIM) is rooted in the economic and functional advantages of maturing from paper-based 2D drawings. The paper-based design and construction drawings are typical production from BIM and using the drawing under BIM environment is needed because there is not an alternative media instead of paper-based drawings. However using the 2D drawing process based on 2D CAD for BIM environment directly has difficulties because there are significant differences in data structure between CAD and BIM. CAD is based on traditional drawings as a whole while BIM is focused on individual objects and providing various levels of information associated with the objects. It can be an obstacle to move from 2D CAD to BIM that we don't have a standard or guideline for BIM. Futhermore, the complexity of drawing in representation would be the obstacle too, so the solution is discussed in the research based on the case of Samoo Architects and Engineers.